Welcome to CatLord MC
CatLord MC is a (mostly) vanilla minecraft server with an emphasis on community and trade. We have players with a wide variety of skills and interests who regularly come together to collaborate on amazing projects. We take pride in ensuring that our server is a safe haven from griefers and thiefs - though we very much encourage tasteful pranking!
New players looking to join the server should contact one of our admins at ben@heidemann.co.uk or bernhard@heidemann.co.uk.
World Info
The seed of the current CatLord world is 308809959. This seed has a large mooshroom island located at X=-10000 Z=10000 which is where the world spawn is located. After recent expansion the town is no longer fully situated in a mooshroom biome.
For performance reasons we have opted for the Paper server as opposed to the vanilla Mojang server. If you require more information on Paper, this can be found easily on Discord but our server administrators will happily summarise the important differences.
Our world is periodically reset when we feel that we have played out the current world, however, backups are made and are available to download for nostalgia's sake. There are currently no plans to reset the world in the near future, though it is likely there will be a hard reset when Mojang releases minecraft 1.17.
Rules and Info
supervises the sale of land in the town area.
Shops will be restricted to the town area or a commercial area at a later stage in the game. Sales of land and or buidlings in the town area attract a 10% sales tax due to the town. This is to be deposited in named diamonds in the chest in the Mayor's office.
Any communal builds in the town area and other areas in the world may be financed from the town funds. Payment for materials are negotiated between the Mayor and the player and will generally be less than the going market rate. Services such as advertising, decorating or building may also be rewarded by the Mayor.
We play with the 'Yer A Wizard' mod enabled. This mod was developed by our admins specifically for this server to bring magic to our world. The mod is intended to introduce useful and interesting new mechanics without being overpowered or unballancing the game. For more details go to this page.
NOTE: the YerAWizard mod is currently in pre-alpha and is subject to change significantly. What you see on the details page is planned content and may not reflect the current implementation of the mod.
Copyright © by Cat Lord et al. All Rights Reserved