
A seasoned player and accomplished redstone engineer, Rohedin is one of the two server administrators. He is responsible for many of the mini games on the server, most famously his interpretation of 'Amongst Us'. He is also responsible for the 'Yer a Wizard' mod.


Cat is well known for her beautiful builds with a lot of attention to detail. She is the current Mayor and needless to say has loads of cats.


Mary is one of our mature players and a relative newcomer to Minecraft. She is the driving force behind many a community project and the creative and arty genius of the world. She also enjoys organising events and designing mini games.


Black Shadow is the old geezer in town and has played for less than a year. He enjoys building all sorts of crazy farms dabbling with redstone contraptions. He served as the first Mayor and is the other server administrator.


JD is the most experienced player on the server. A redstone genius he is the undisputed king of parcour and PVP. He has never been know to pass an opportunity to help others with their parcour or other skills.


NickJH is an experienced player best known for his ability to achieve with a laptop trackpad what others struggle to do with a mouse. Pity the hostile mob getting in his way.


A returning player to Minecraft Hobart appears to be joined at the hip with NickJH.


Our newest recruit hails from the US of A. He loves experimenting with different building styles and has an interest in community projects and trade.


Rich is the only non-adult player on the server but due to hardware issues has not been active recently. Before his enforced departure, he was best known for his many deaths in the Nether during the early stages of play.


Martini has recently joined our server and is in the process of establishing herself. She is a total Minecraft beginner but known to be a perfectionist.